Fair and Clear Vote

Prepare for the Vote with AboveBoard, where we guide you through each step to ensure a fair and organised decision-making process. From notifying owners and confirming attendance to conducting and counting votes, we make every part of the voting process straightforward and transparent.

Image is a modern flatted development with large balconies basking in the Edinburgh sunshine

The Vote

Organising a Vote for a New Factor: Steps for a Transparent and Effective Meeting

Notification of Meeting

Once all details have been gathered, notify All owners when the meeting will be held to take a vote for a new factor.

Provide meeting date, location, time and agenda. Deeds may specify a face-to-face meeting.

Ensure adequate notification is given as per your deeds.

When sending out details, ensure to send a mandate form and voting slip - it is unlikely all owners will be able to attend.

Owners Unable to Attend Meeting

Owners that are unable to attend the meeting can complete a mandate form which count towards the quorum for the meeting as per the deeds.

Owners can also complete a voting slip and request someone act as their proxy at the meeting. This ensures all owners get to have their say.

Quorum Attendance

There must be a quorum as per your deeds for the meeting and any vote to be formalised.

Mandate forms completed by owners unable to attend count as attendance.

Take record of attendance to provide proof of quorum.

Take Vote

If a quorum is present, meeting can proceed.

Shortlisted factors may be given opportunity to present at meeting.

Votes can then be taken to dismiss and/or appoint a new factor.

Voting slips should be provided at the meeting for owners to complete with their name, flat number, date and signature.

Count Vote

Chair of meeting to count votes taken both at meeting and by proxy (voting slips).

Majority vote dictates choice of new factor.

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Image is sandstone townhouses in Edinburgh's West End on a cloudy day